Kolinsky Law

Kolinsky Law is a Canadian Law Firm practising in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada...

To get in touch with Kolinsky Law our records indicate that you can do so via their most recent address of 212A-10807 CASTLE DOWN ROAD NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5X3N7 or by phone: 780-757-6400. For a map to this location, scroll down and we've provided a map showing the approximate location of Kolinsky Law.

Additional Details for Kolinsky Law

Kolinsky Law is a leading family and criminal law firm in Edmonton, Alberta. Please contact us for a consultation. Mr. Kolinsky has extensive experience in the realm of criminal and family law, having comprehensively dealt with a multitude of divorce and family cases. David is committed to resolving the many complex issues that result from a criminal charge including; bail, preparation for trial, interviewing potential witnesses, negotiating plea deals and preparation for trial and appeal.

Kolinsky Law's Areas of Expertise

Kolinsky Law is a Canadian lawyer who works on a wide range of legal problems. Contact if you need a lawyer for any of the following areas of expertise:
• Child Custody
• Child Support
• Civil Litigation
• Criminal Defense
• Divorce
• Immigration and Naturalization

Canadian Lawyers near Kolinsky Law

By scanning Canada Lawyer List's database of more than 20,000 Canadian lawyers and law firms, we've compiled a listing of additional Canadian lawyers and Canadian law firms that are related to Kolinsky Law via operating their business in the same location (most likely the same office building) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. While each of these lawyers or law firms may have zero affiliation with Kolinsky Law we've compiled this list as an estimate of the potential size of the resources around Kolinsky Law. This list is meant only to give you a feel for the resources in this business location:

Canadian Lawyers and Law Firms at this Address:

Kolinsky Law

212A-10807 CASTLE DOWN ROAD NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5X3N7

Phone: 780-757-6400